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Kentucky Existing Rail  and Bus Services

In 21st century Kentucky our states surface transportation network is a shadow of its former self and to cross Kentucky from Ashland in the east to Fulton in the west  A trip which once could be done by train and two railroads, or a change  of bus in Louisville  and Paducah now requires taking a train, taxi in Cincinnati and a transfer of two buses and two bus operators.  It is far from seamless. Many areas of the Commonwealth including many of the Commonwealths poorest counties  are totally isolated from Kentucky's two largest cities and employment centers in Louisville and Lexington due to the lack of adequate inter city transportation, We are working to change this policy in Washington D.C. and in Frankfort.  

 1976 Kentucky Bus Network

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Rail Passengers Kentucky

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653 N 25th Street

Louisville, KY 40212

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